
  • As a parish we are very aware of the need to safeguard children and vulnerable adults. 
  • Our Safeguarding Officer is Patsy Johnson and she can be contacted by email at 
  • To View our Safeguarding Policy please click here
  • If you are a child and you need to talk to someone about things that are happening to you that you don’t like, you can telephone Childline on 0800 1111 or click here
  • If you are an adult and you need to access support about something that is happening to you, please click here. Scroll down to find links to various support organisations for you to contact. 
  • If you need to contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team, please click here 
  •  If you need to report a safeguarding concern to the statutory authorities in Sussex, please click here, click on the option on the left that most describes the situation you are concerned about, and follow the advice and further links you find there. Please remember to contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team as well once you have contacted the statutory authorities.